Church Mobile Apps

It’s no secret that there has been a Meteoric rise in the amount of the world’s population who now have smartphone. In fact, PR Daily boasts that 83% of young people sleep next to their cell phone!

Many churches are harnessing the power of technology and communication to keep their congregation abreast of news regarding their ministry. It is a great way to keep your members engaged and aware of all church related functions and activities. It is also a vital tool in pushing relevant content to your organizations as well as offer an easy way to give their offerings from anywhere in the world.

Why Churches Are Using Mobile Apps

The bible says that the glory of the latter church will be greater than that of the early church. One of the ways in which this verse comes true is the ability to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ via church mobile apps.

First and foremost it should be clearly understood that mobile apps for churches are not a distraction but rather they are tools of inclusion. Every member of the church can be informed of what is going on when and where. Apps ensure that the pastor is accessible even if not physically.

Reasons why your church may benefit from having a mobile app:

  • Engagement with members of the congregation – A church is not a building, a church is a living organism. The people are the church and if this people are not involved then the church fades away. Church mobile apps ensure that everyone stays connected to the church grapevine.
  • The church is made up of smart people – Almost all church goers have a smartphone and they use their gadgets to read social media posts. They also use these gadgets in church for scripture reading and even taking notes. Studies show that 74% of churchgoers are now reading the bible electronically. The best case scenario is Your Version which is the most downloaded Bible app.
  • No more printing – Once your church has an app then you can say goodbye to costly printing charges which also includes time and labor. Why should this be good news? It is because most bulletins are usually left behind. Just ask the ushers or person’s who clean up after everyone has left. It should be noted that you will also be helping to save the environment.
  • Your congregation has a life – After Sunday comes Monday meaning that after the sermon people go back to their daily life schedule. They might have come in late or did not get what the announcements were about. Possibly there could be a church member who was not around and you could alert them of your concern.

My church is app ready, what next ready

You will need to find a developer who understands church mobile apps. This means asking questions that will help you land the best developer for the job.

Questions to ask for mobile apps for churches

  • What kind of technical support and maintenance do they have? What happens when the app is not working? Is maintenance depending on you alerting them or are they proactive? You need someone who is always two steps ahead.
  • Are there branding and personalization features included and which ones are they? Is the developer able to incorporate the spirit of the house in the app? This means using your logo, your colors or they simply want you to go with something they did for another church? Get someone who makes a custom app.
  • How much will it cost? Churches often run on a tight budget and have bills to pay. Is the value of the app(ROI) worth it?

If the children of the light were as wise as those of the world then they would do exploits. The mobile world has seen the rise and fall of giants in the business and political world and maybe just maybe it is time to use to promote an everlasting kingdom.

What churches are using mobile apps for:

  • Send push notifications to church members
  • House information such as location, hours, pastor bios
  • Link out to their social media accounts
  • Post photos of events and community functions
  • Increase involvement in church activities
  • Increase givings and offerings

Ready to start your Church Mobile App?

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